
Lassi is a sweet Indian drink made from yogurt – it’s perfect for cooling your mouth while eating spicy food.

Yield 2 servings
Time 5 minutes
  • bowl + whisk OR blender + strainer
  • 2 tall glasses
  • 2 c plain yogurt
  • 1 c milk or water
  • 2 T sugar
  • 20 ice cubes
Directions Bowl: Pour yogurt into bowl and whisk until smooth. Gradually whisk in milk, then sugar. Add ice cubes and stir until somewhat melted. Pour into glasses and serve.

Blender: Process all the ingredients together then strain into glasses.

Notes Variations
Combine in blender and strain into 2 glasses.

Mango Lassi
1 c yogurt
1 c mango, peeled and chopped
2 T powdered sugar
10 ice cubes

Banana Lassi
1 c yogurt
1 banana, peeled and sliced
2 T powdered sugar
10 ice cubes

Adapted from Madhur Jaffrey’s World Vegetarian.

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